Monday, July 27, 2009


In a day and time where it appears as if countless "guru's" are popping up everywhere, I think it's a good time to reflect on the principles that are ALWAYS going to be essential.
J Paul Getty the billionaire Oil man wrote a book, because he wanted a part of his legacy to provide a tool that would live on helping others to become successful. In his book HOW TO BE RICH he has one particular chapter that I found somewhat simple but profound.
In his chapter, HOW I MADE MY FIRST BILLION, he shares something that is simple but I'm afraid for many have fallen away from it. Now keep in mind this was back when a BILLION was unthinkable. Now in this chapter he reveals the secret to his first billion. He calls it “ G-S-I " GOALS - STRATEGY - ACTION.
My concern in the MLM, Network marketing and Direct sales world, we have created an environment of thousand looking for "The Secret". Let’s face opportunities out there have become incredibly effective is stirring the emotions of people who want to change their lives, who need a new opportunity to help raise a family. Now I understand the effectiveness of the word "secret" but when it comes to true success and professionalism there is no secret.

The top professional in business knows how to do it.

Getty says, set your goals but then have a relevant strategy. If the population of today's MLM Direct and Internet marketers would take the time to really learn the business and develop a true strategy that works, we would not have 97% of those who stepped out with a dream, leaving discouraged. Finally it takes massive action. And that's where setting goals and strategy are absolutely essential. Without the true and honest understanding of this business, something somewhere will always undermine ones business.

My final thoughts are this. Learn the business, after that you will step into place where you can develop the right skills to make your dreams come true. Perhaps you won’t make a BILLION, but you will grow a great business.
To your success.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Buying into a dream

In the world of MLM, Direct Selling and Network marketing as it has found its way to the Internet can be summed up as nothing short of phenomenal. Unfortunately this is for only about 3% of the marketers out there. What is really happening?

When you take a close look into it, most start in an opportunity because they’re BUYING INTO A DREAM. The dream that life can be different: More money, more time, more freedom, more opportunity. This is what opportunity is all about. I recently took a trip to New York and of course I was touched by laying my eyes on the Statue of Liberty but I was moved when I took a close look at the testimonies of countless people as they made their way to Ellis Island with the hopes of receiving permission to enter into the United States. As I walked through the facilities I took the time to read the personal testimony’s of many. I was struck by the fact they had the same dream most of us have FREEDOM.

Our world may look different today but the heart of people is still the same. Freedom to choose how we live life, freedom to be with the ones we love: Husbands, wives, children, family and friends. Then there is the freedom of making the choice on how we will live life.

When you take a close look at it most, people embark into this business and BUY INTO A DREAM. They want life to be different. It is my belief and experience that that effectively building a business can bring much of that to us. The problem and challenge for most is they are never taught how to truly market on the Internet with skill and integrity. Soon they get discouraged and disillusioned and fall away abandoning the DREAM they had for a better life. It was once said that "SMART PEOPLE START BUT SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE FINISH" I believe for so many it's an incredibly smart decision to market on the Internet but, the wisdom comes in when you start to learn how to market in the business. Let me respectfully suggest it's NOT, in selling to a warm market, it's NOT in attending and inviting others to meetings, it's NOT handing out business cards and it's NOT in cold calling.

My hope in this today is to inspire someone to not only buy into a dream, but grow in the understanding of wisdom in this business. You see you can finish and become a great success BUT if you’re going to do it you must learn how it's really done and not fall into the trap of a loud boastful website claiming things that you know just doesn't make sense.

I and many others have been blessed to make a lot of money in this business. But we know something that you don't. Success is NOT in your primary opportunity it's in HOW you market. Let me congratulate you on a smart decision in getting into a business, however I want your "why" your "dreams" to come true. Learn and put into action what the pro’s do.

I wish for all your dreams to come true.

Craig White

See also:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How network marketing changed my life

Recently my wife, Olena and I returned from a trip to New York City. Something very interesting happened to me in the middle of the trip. We were walking in the middle of Time Square and the thought came to me. WHERE IN THE WORLD DO WE GO FROM HERE?
As we were flying home the thought came back to me, and I realized, that's the same thought so many people feel in MLM and Direct sales business on the Internet. The Internet for many is just like Time Square with the feeling of.
We are all bombarded with so much noise and confusion that it's hard to know the truth from a bunch of bologna. ALL the websites, ALL the emails, ALL the claims and ALL the promises. I'm afraid many of you will have to experience the same discouragement and frustration that I went through. My hope is that this will catch some of you before you waste your time, money but most of all I don't want you to lose your enthusiasm for the potential in this great business. You see many of the claims people make are a bunch of bologna however there are REAL PROS'S in this business. The Internet is an amazing tool and with that comes great potential, but you've got to learn how to do the business. After years of trial and error I was just stubborn enough not to give up. But I must also say something in my heart kept driving because I knew there were many making fantastic livings and if they can do it, so could I. Well to make a long story short I did my homework and finally found my way to the true pros's and found out they basically all do the same thing.
Let me give you a surprising hint. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR PRIMARY OPPORTUNITY! Are you shocked? It's all in the system. You drive people to yourself. You see in life most of the greatest things happen through relationships. Relationships can be difficult but when there good they can be life changing. This same is true with business relationships. Unfortunately many out there want to take the short cuts thinking that they can become a success, when they know threes not logical way it can happen. Someone once said that people buy into this business to buy hope. Hope for a change of life, hope for a better future. In my humble opinion and in my experience, the only way to success is to learn to do it right. The pioneers of this business have proven how to do it but you have to protect yourself from two things.
1. Your own mind thinking you can find the "secret"
2. The claims that are made that are just plain misrepresentations.( I'm being nice)
Friends it's NOT a secret! There is just the cutting edge of doing business on the Internet.
Here's a few of the principles.
*Attraction Marketing
* Driving Traffic
* Funded Proposal
* Monetize your leads
I hope I have caught your attention just enough to inspire you in such a way that if your going to be in this business you owe it to yourself and perhaps your family to learn to do it as a professional.
Some of you will contact me because you know of me as the creator of TODAYSMARKETING.NET and I will look forward to our time together. Some of you might not. However I hope this will plant a seed that will grow in your heart to help you at some point in your business.
This is my invitation for you to contact me and will show you how the top producers do it and what has turned my business into something beyond my greatest dreams.
Perhaps this best starting point is for you to hear me speak on my website. Make sure you go all the way through. I want you to come away with some powerful stuff.
And finally I'm a real person so if you wish to call please feel free to do so. I promise to personally return your call within 48 hours.
Have a blessed day,
Craig White

see also:

Creator of

Hi, I am Craig White, creator of I am in the MLM and Direct sales business. I have been successful for several years, and I am going to share with you this new system which I have been using, this system is actually helping a lot in marketing my business; It does all of the work like in a manual marketing, like finding prospects, handling phone calls, then telling and explaining everything to them.

What I want you to do now, visit this site, and fill up the form then submit it. Wait for your my email to you to have your free training for this new marketing system.

I hope to build a good relationship with you.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Video for New Marketing System

See Video:

Marketing & SEO Blogs
Marketing & SEO Blogs

New Marketing System - Craig White

Hi, this is Craig White and I'm the creator of TODAYSMARKETING.NET. If the name sounds familiar it's because of my innovation, leadership and success in MLM and Direct Sales. First I want to share with you how this system of marketing has literally changed my life PERSONALLY and PROFESSIONALLY.

I started off doing business exactly how my upline taught me to do it. I made lists of all my friends and family. I contacted them all! I went to meetings, I invited others to meetings, I handed out thousands of business cards and brochures and I even cold called complete strangers. I was working so hard that I had little time for my family, my friends and to just enjoy life. I found out that the way I was doing business.

All it did was to lead me to spend more time and MONEY in an "old school" way of thinking that in TODAY'S MARKETING world just doesn't work. You see I got into this business to change my life. It broke my heart to miss special times with my wife. It hurt to miss and not be able to be at my kids programs and events. I couldn't stand working for someone else. I wanted something more! Trying to do it with these old school ways only led to more frustration and disappointment. But then it all changed! I met a true Internet marketing professional that show me a new way of thinking and a new way of doing business. He showed me a system that all the top producers use.

Just imagine having a marketing system in place that basically does all the hard stuff for you. Imagine having a system that all the top marketers have proven successful. When I learned how to truly market on the Internet and plugged into a system, my life and business totally turned around! I'm now living the life of my dreams. I never had a problem working hard, but in the Internet world you have to learn to work smart and understand how it really works. Now I'm exceeding my financial dreams. I have the freedom to spend all the time I want with my wife, children and friends. This system continually brings me countless leads, those leads turn into sales, and then into financial and personal victories. This system works for you 24/7 it never stops!

It is now a passion of of mine to help others to become a success, not only financially but also personally. I will show you how the real pros's do it. If you have a dream, if you have the desire, if your coachable and want to change your life. Then I am willing to become your leader and mentor by investing my life and experience into you.

Here's free training for you that's a no nonsense accurate path to success.
Second After hearing me speak, review the information, THEN fill out the form, submit it and I'll see you on the other side.
I look forward to our friendship and success together.

2SearchBlogs Web DirectorySEO friendly business web directory.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Winning MLM Internet Formula | MLMLeads System Pro

The Winning MLM Internet Formula | MLMLeads System Pro

There are a lot of MLM business which is active in the online industry. But do people have the guarantee that their business will be successful? Is their time worth it and not being wasted by this kind of business?

MLM businesses are hard to handle without the knowledge of a marketing professional. That’s why I am here, Craig White, your MLM business leader. I am here to help you do the different way of marketing your business by using a new system that will get you more leads. My part here is to teach you not to be a part of the 97% who fail in this business. I’m going to tell you one simple strategy GUARANTEED to put money in your pockets immediately. And only one simple step to have your business on the top.

At first, I am also one of you who do sales and marketing the old ways. But now, when I found out about the MLMLeads system Pro it changes everything in my business, from the marketing process and as well in the results. As I used the MLMLead System Pro, I started to have a marketing system in place and basically doing all the hard stuff for me. Imagine a system when you don’t have to change prospects or you actually having people contacting you on a regular basis. Imagine, no more spending long hours on phone qualifying people. Imagine, no more prospecting, no more telling, no more explaining, and no more selling ever again. Let us both put a start to a new way of marketing your business.

See also: